Women’s Leadership Committee

More women are needed in every aspect of the Farm Bureau organization.

blue facebook iconThis could be as a spokesperson for agriculture, someone who works on project teams, coordinates programs, contacts legislators and teachers and makes decisions on county and state boards, and so on. We can find an activity to match your interest and personal skills.

Looking for a way to network and get hands-on leadership training?

Join us for the 2025 Women’s Leadership Committee ICE Summit!

The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee will be hosting its 2025 ICE Summit at the Holiday Inn Express in Williamsport on Friday March 28 and Saturday March 29.

The event will include a tour of Today Farm in Muncy, speakers and important conversations for women in agriculture, crafts, multiple speakers and more!

The 2025 ICE Summit keynote speaker is Ginger Fenton. Fenton is a Penn State Extension dairy educator who has her Ph.D. in Pathobiology and a master’s in food science from Penn State University, as well as a bachelor’s in environmental science from Edinboro University.

Fenton’s programs focus on milk quality and food safety from the farm to the processor. She offers programs to improve milk quality on the farm and increase profitability of farms including on-farm culturing, mastitis management, raw milk impacts on finished product quality, and value-added dairy.

Her other areas of interest include farm safety and occupational health and working with women on farms. Ginger also works with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) for animal food processors and dairy food processors by offering Preventive Controls for Qualified Individual courses for animal food and human food.

The registration cost is $65 per person. Hotel rooms are $112+ tax. Registrations must be received no later than March 17.

Click the button below to register!

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