Sleep Apnea Linked to Oral Health

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Tired of sleep issues?

Do you snore? Wake up feeling tired and cranky? You may have sleep apnea, a disorder where your breathing pauses during sleep. Eighty percent of people don’t realize they have sleep apnea,[1] which can increase your risk of heart attack and complicate taking certain medications.[2]

Learn sleep apnea risks and treatments

Sleep apnea and oral health are linked

People with sleep apnea often wake with a dry mouth, which increases the chance of cavities and gum disease. And gum inflammation is associated with heart health. Dental professionals can recognize the oral signs of sleep apnea, so don’t skip your routine exams.

Read about gum disease and your heart

United Concordia reading labels

Added sugar: why it’s not so sweet

Though sugar is found naturally in healthy fruits and veggies, added sugar is mixed in to many processed foods and drinks that are often high in fat. Learn how to spot added sugar on packaging labels and get ideas for healthier alternatives.

Get simple swaps for sugar

no-sugar added carrot-apple muffinsCarrot-Apple Muffins (No added sugar!)

Whip up a batch of these yummy muffins sweetened only with fruit. Banana, apple and carrot provide sweetness and moistness. Munch on one for a quick breakfast or a healthy snack.

Get the recipe

Eating well for a healthy mouth

Sure, you know the basic rules – sugar is bad, calcium is good – but you may not be aware of hidden problems lurking in seemingly innocent options like bottled water. What you eat and drink can affect your oral health in good and bad ways, and some choices are better than others.

Explore good (and not-so-good) diet choices

[1] Prevalence of probable obstructive sleep apnea risk and severity in a population of dental patients; Sleep Breath; 2008;12:303-309

[2] Obstructive sleep apnea;; 2020.

Stay Connected. Stay Healthy.