. Flinchbaugh’s Orchard & Farm Receives Pennsylvania Leopold Conservation AwardBy Will WhislerIn News ReleasesTags Farm Bureau, farm show, Flinchbaugh's, Leopold Award, Leopold Conservation Award, pa farm show, PFB, PFB advocacy
. PFB Hosts Farm Show Press ConferenceBy Will WhislerIn News ReleasesTags Farm Bureau, farm show, Glenn GT Thompson, pa farm show, PFB, PFB advocacy, russlle reding
. Giant and PA Friends of Agriculture Unveil New Immersion LabBy Will WhislerIn News ReleasesTags Ag Lab, Event Lab, Farm Bureau, Giant, Pa. Friends of Agriculture Foundation, PFB, PFB advocacy
. Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Applauds Agriculture’s Inclusion in 2022-23 State BudgetBy Will WhislerIn News ReleasesTags Budget, Capitol, Chesapeake Bay, EPA, PFB advocacy, state House, state Senate
. Annual Foundation Golf Tournament Celebrates 30 Years of Supporting Ag LiteracyBy Will WhislerIn News ReleasesTags Pa. Friends of Agriculture Foundation, PFB advocacy, richard prether golf classic
. Farmers, State Agencies Remind Motorists to Drive Carefully on Rural RoadsBy adminIn News ReleasesTags dairy, milk, PFB advocacy, state House, state Senate
. Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Applauds Pa. House Passage of Whole Milk BillBy adminIn News ReleasesTags dairy, milk, PFB advocacy, state House, state Senate
16.122021December 16, 2021 Pennsylvania Lawmakers Pass Broadband BillBy adminIn All News, PFB NewsTags broadband, PFB advocacy, rural broadband, state House, state Senate
22.112021November 22, 2021 Gov. Wolf Signs SB 725, State House Considers Bills That Would Affect FarmersBy adminIn All News, PFB NewsTags HB 122, HB 1307, HB 2071, House Bill 122, House Bill 1307, House Bill 2071, PFB advocacy, SB 725, Senate Bill 725
27.102021October 27, 2021 Pennsylvania House Passes Bill Clarifying Farmers’ Driver’s License ExemptionBy adminIn All News, PFB NewsTags PFB advocacy, SB 725, Senate Bill 725