Sweet Corn: Will It be Ready to Sell by Independence Day?

Sweet Corn: Will It be Ready to Sell by Independence Day?

For Immediate Release:

Contact: William Whisler, Member Communications Director
717-724-9425 | wrwhisler@pfb.com


Sweet corn farmers across Pennsylvania have varied dates on when sweet corn will be available for purchase this year due to weather conditions, production costs, late seed planting, and other factors.

The typical timeline for producers to sell sweet corn is mid-July through September. However, due to the popularity of sweet corn for the Fourth of July holiday, some producers will start selling their product earlier than the expected season.

This summer, sweet corn availability will vary depending on the region. Based on an informal survey, some farmers experienced favorable weather conditions, which will allow them to start selling prior to Independence Day, while others have experienced challenges that push sell dates to mid-July, possibly early August. Due to the cool and wet weather conditions earlier this spring, farmers had to plant their seeds later than expected, delaying harvest dates. Some farms also experienced flooding in their region, which further pushes back their goal of selling during the regular season.

“Despite the variables that we have experienced this growing season across the state, I hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy local sweet corn this year from farmers markets and roadside stands,” said Rick Ebert, President of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau.

Overall, depending on the region, sweet corn will be available for purchase prior to the holiday weekend. Consumers are encouraged to purchase from local farm markets and roadside stands to help support local sweet corn farmers, so they can continue to provide for the community for years to come.


Pennsylvania Farm Bureau is the state’s largest farm organization, representing farms of every size and commodity across Pennsylvania.