Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Makes “Call for Presentations”

Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Makes “Call for Presentations”

For Immediate Release: June 13, 2023
Contact: Kimberly Flegal, Event Planner
Phone: 717-731-3580

CAMP HILL – Pennsylvania Farm Bureau (PFB) is offering educators, associations, businesses and others an opportunity to host presentations on issues that appeal to a wide variety of farmers, during the state’s largest farm organization’s 73rd Annual Meeting, scheduled for Nov. 13-15, 2023 in Hershey, PA.
PFB is seeking proposals from potential presenters for several educational sessions. Presentations typically cover a wide variety of topics, such as, but not limited to, agricultural economic trends and forecasts, agricultural education, animal health, commodity promotion and marketing; communicating about controversial subjects, environmental conservation practices, family wellness, farm and food blogging and social media, farm business planning; farm management, finance and marketing, farm safety, farm-to-table promotions and direct marketing, invasive species, leadership development, new farm technologies, and rural entrepreneurship.
More than 600 people from across Pennsylvania typically participate in PFB’s Annual Meeting, where county Farm Bureau leaders debate policy positions of the organization, set PFB’s agenda for the coming year and recognize achievements of the past year.
The deadline for submission of proposed presentations is July 10, 2023. Proposals may be submitted online at
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau is the state’s largest farm organization, representing farms of every size and commodity across Pennsylvania.