Contact: Carolina Nicholson, 717-731-3555, cjnicholson@pfb.com
HARRISBURG, PA (November 15, 2022) – The Pennsylvania Friends of Agriculture Foundation proudly announced a partnership with John Gailey and Woody Lodge Winery this morning at the annual Pennsylvania Farm Bureau membership meeting. Woody Lodge wines are currently in 14 different GIANT stores across the state. The newest wine from Woody Lodge, ALLEZ FAIRE, will be available in all the same stores and a portion of each bottle’s sale will be donated to the PA Friends of Ag Foundation.
“This is a really great partnership, and our hope is to see people continuing to support the partnership by purchasing wine over the holidays and into 2023,” said Charlene Espenshade, Executive Director of the Foundation.
The Friends of Ag Foundation has a simple but meaningful mission: Plating seeds. Cultivating knowledge. Harvesting an understanding of agriculture.
Sales of ALLEZ FAIRE will go toward the Foundation’s programming, designed to bring agricultural education to students in unique and creative ways. One of those programs, the Mobile Ag Ed Science Lab, will celebrate its 20th year in 2023. The agriculture lab visits more than 100,000 students each year, expanding children’s knowledge of agriculture through scientific experiments.
“As a member of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, I understand how important it is to educate our youth about the science and careers of agriculture. I wanted to use my business to support the Foundation’s mission. When you buy a bottle of ALLEZ FAIRE, you are supporting agriculture education in PA, and a disabled veteran and woman owned small business. There’s really no downside,” said Gailey.
For high resolution photos or to arrange an interview, please contact Carolina Nicholson at cjnicholson@pfb.com.
ABOUT PA FRIENDS OF AGRICULTURE FOUNDATION: Pennsylvania Friends of Agriculture Foundation is a charitable organization supported by the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau. The Foundation has been educating the public and promoting agriculture, the largest of the Commonwealth’s industries since its inception in 1986.
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